Saturday, December 09, 2006

It's A GIRL!!!!

I had my ultrasound on Thursday, December 7th. Jared and Leah sat pateintly in their seats to see the results. Well, Jared kinda squirmed and Leah hardly sat at all!! The nurse showed us her heart, lungs, limbs and head. She said everything looked great and she was right on target with everything. Our little baby only weighed 11 ounces. I was relieved that she was healthy. Anyway, the nurse continued to measure stuff on her until finally, it was time for the sex. Yep, another girl. Poor Jared!! He had the nerve to ask, "How do you get a boy?" Men!! So, on April 20th, I will have by C-section another beautiful baby girl. I am in need of names. For once in my life I am at a loss for words. Leah told Jared that if we have another girl he was on strike number 3 and he had to move into the trunk of our car to live. She is too funny!!