Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Some old memories

My mom went through some of her old pictures, and she decided to give me a few. I love to see old and new pictures of anything relating to my childhood or my siblings. It seemed back in the day that every picture had a mysterious red tint to it. It looks like the same red blood they used in the hallway hotel of the Shining. If you have not seen that movie, and like a good horror movie, its pretty creepy. Anyway, I just thought some of you would like to see what I looked like as a child. Yes, I know that I have a mishaped head!! I told my mom that I must have been the ugliest kid to look at. She just told me..., but you grew up to be a beautiful woman. AWW thanks MOM!! Yeah, like I believe that one!! Enjoy the laugh.
Oh, by the way, in the red picture, I was 11 months, Theresa was 2, and Chris 7.


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